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work 010 : acoustic laptops - workshop information
wood boxes with tiny sound objects attached inside

presentation - make your own - orkestra - workshops
photos in the art collection - download zipped documentation

2012 > The various documentation of the acoustic laptops has been collected HERE

^ Workshop @ in famous carousel, Gaïte Lyrique, Paris, November 2011

acoustic laptop workshop (en castellano) >

"Boe did a really fun workshop on how to construct acoustic laptops… In a lighthearted and comical presentation at the end of the week, he said they were not meant as an “anti-laptop” statement, as he uses them frequently and also makes music with them… but to highlight the computers’ rather narrow interface."- XLterrestrials Blog

The acoustic laptops work well as target objects in a workshop setting. The boxes in themselves are open to input, and I have had good experiences with people from various backgrounds - artistic, musical or neither, getting together and gather around them. The friendly appearance of the boxes work as an equalizer regarding status or previous knowledge.

These workshops are not about "circuit-bending", where the focus is usually put on the technical aspects of building your own musical instrument. The tiny microphones will be quickly soldered and connected, leaving more time for selecting and testing of objects to put inside the box, exploring new depths of reality through sound.

In a two-three day session each workshop participant will create his/her own acoustic laptop to bring home. As before I'll make brief interviews with each participant, asking simple questions about their motivation, encouraging them to name their box and to express their opinion on various related issues.

I always strive to create a comfort zone that in itself inspires creativity and reflection. This in turn leads to dynamic discussions and surprising lines of association. It is important to make each participant feel welcome and included, the workshop progress should be as democratic as these boxes are.

It is also important to create some kind of live and/or recording setting, with or without external audience. To guide participants gently through the extra nerves and focus that a live or recording situation takes is part of personalizing the boxes.

I am looking for more situations where the various aspects could be elaborated upon, both formally and informally. I am interested in any proposals for workshops where the emphasis can be finely "tuned" into the main thematic field of the organizer.

"I can say that the construction of a physical object is very different from programming stuff with a computer, because programming isn't visual, no one sees it, it's totally imaginary. In fact it doesn't even exist. If you build a physical object in order to create sounds, this becomes a sound instrument, but also a visual instrument. I believe that the pleasure that people have had from Acoustic Laptops, Deerhorns and Hallodrophones is more in the visuals than in sounds." - Derek Holzer (organiser summercamp-workstation, Berlin)

^ Trond Wiger demonstrates @ meta.morf biennial
ReMiDa, Trondheim, Norway 2010

^ Workshop @ Aperitivos Visuales (moderated by David Perreko)
La Orotava, Tenerife, 2010


Impartido por Tore Honoré Boe. Taller de construcción de instrumentos sonoros mediante la utilización de objetos cotidianos que se insertan en el interior de una caja de madera que amplificaremos. Durante el taller los participantes construirán su propio laptop acústico para llevárselo a su casa.

“…el Sistema Operativo serán tus dedos y los programas serán tu imaginación a la hora de insertar los objetos mas diversos."

En este taller se exploran las posibilidades sonoras de los objetos cotidianos. Los Laptops Acústicos son instrumentos ideados por el artista Tore Honoré Boe. Se componen de una caja amplificada, en cuyo interior hay objetos cotidianos. Los sonidos se producen por medio de la interacción de los dedos del usuario con los diversos objetos y la caja misma. Cada asistente traerá consigo al taller objetos y una caja, preferentemente de madera. Los objetos se incorporarán en el interior de la caja, y ésta se amplificará, de manera que al final del taller cada asistente haya construído su propio Laptop Acústico, y pueda llevárselo a su casa.

materiales que se han de traer >

Una caja pequeña, preferentemente de madera (de puros, pinturas, o similar).
Cosas u objetos pequeños y cotidianos con los que producir sonidos.
Un cable audio como los de guitarra
Una carta "musical" de celebraciones o cumpleaños (el pequeño amplificador será nuestro

consideraciones >

El taller está dirigido a músicos, artistas sonoros, y en general a cualquier persona que esté interesada en la exploración sonora de los objetos aunque no tenga experiencia previa en el campo de la música o el arte sonoro.

idioma >

El taller se impartirá en Espanglish (castellano y en inglés).

bio >

Tore Honoré Boe nació en Kristiansand, Noruega, en 1969. Ha participado activamente durante 20 años en los márgenes de la música global y en redes de intercambio de arte. Uno de sus proyectos más destacados es la fundación de Origami Republika, una red abierta que acoge creadores de todo el mundo y todas las disciplinas. Ha aparecido en numerosas publicaciones de arte y ha realizado cientos de conciertos y performance en todo el mundo.

Ha colaborado con el mítico grupo alemán Einstürzende Neubaten y otros artistas como Mark Spybey (Dead Voices on Air, reformed Faction Zoviet-France), Michael F. Duch (Origami Tacet), Theresa Stroetges (Golden Disk Ship), Bryan Day (Eloine, Shelf Life), Lasse Marhaug (Jazkamer), Jens Stegger Ledaal (Artmilitia), Derek Holzer (Macumbista) y Halldor Ulfarsson (Halldorophones) entre otros.

presentation - make your own - orkestra - workshops
photos in the art collection - download zipped documentation

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