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the origami boe worklog >

work 015 : unstitute of incertainties (koonsakademie, university of nowhere)
studies; mail art, visual art, objects, gallery participations

015A exhibition; "Zoorealismus Sein" - september 11, 2010
- microgaleria sur, San Fernando, Gran Canaria

015B exhibition; "Pearls Before Swine Harbour" - october 10, 2010
- microgaleria sur, Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria

015C exhibition; miniature for the open vestibule - desember 2010
- microgaleria sur, San Fernando, Gran Canaria

015D exhibition; miniature for collective exhibition - july 9, 2011
- mikrogalleri nor, Hvaler, Norway

015E ego study; "indignado sterotípico escandinavo" - september 21, 2011
- for the Absur2eal online/printed magazine Issue 4

015F ego study; "the origami man" - september 21, 2011
- for the Absur2eal online/printed magazine Issue 4

015G process; colour test - august 2011

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