republika > archive > surf all 2.3 origami grafika > the microgalleries > microgaleria sur > next grafika THE COLLECTIVE EXHIBITION IN THE VESTIBULE > The vestibule is open for any physical miniature made or found by any person who wish to participate. It must be send by post, no electronic submissions accepted this time. No talent or artistic background needed. This collection will form an ongoing exhibition that is entirely un-curated. SUBMIT YOUR PHYSICAL MINIATURE When the walls, floor and staircase are full they will be whitewashed and new arrivals added over the old. This action is a homage to the way Kurt Schwitters started his Merzbau. Merzbau grew from pictures hanging on the walls of his studio. He stretched threads and wire between them and continued to cover the new forms with plaster, wood and white paint. A myriad of allegorical items was placed in grottos and on columns. As time passed they were again covered up, reformed and painted over so that the original material was no longer visible, thus creating an inverted, walk-in sculpture. This connects elegantly to origami republika's "almost invisible art" meme. Aloe
(corea, canarias) |