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details: All sounds by Jonas Qvale A 196. Field recordings, effects, bottled microphones, 78 linguaphone language course. One-take home recording. produce: Web single listed as komkol autoprod cat.no.321 via bandcamp, 2013
Saltnes I details: Live recording from the opening of Galleri Ruth Audio art drive-in gallery June 21. 2013. Passing cars and audience incorporated as part of concert and finished work. produce: Web ep listed as komkol autoprod cat.no.320 via bandcamp, 2013
01] Soft
Focus Pan/Shadow Investigation (excerpt) details: Excerpt from the "Shadow vs Light" art installation project with Silje Steinsvik and Brit Steinsvik. The project premiered in Fredrikstad in November 2012. The music was commissioned by The Norwegian Composers Association. All sounds by Jonas Qvale A 196. Sampler, effects, audio generator, Spear audio analysis software, Akai Synthstation. Recorded directly to two tracks (Soft focus pan)/composed in Reaper (Shadow investigation) produce: Web single listed as komkol autoprod cat.no.317 via bandcamp, 2013
01] Basso Profundo details: Live at FrostFest, Blå Grotte, Fredrikstad, Dec. 29th 2011. All sounds by Jonas Qvale A 196. Sampler, audio generator, effects. Recorded live directly to two tracks. produce: Web single listed as komkol autoprod cat.no.313 via bandcamp, 2012 origami
antarktika - lost weekend - cdr ep 01]
Maydrone details: 01] Jonas Qvale A196: Bowed guitars, voice chenger, wah pedal, recorded in Fredrikstad 2011. 01] Jonas Qvale A196: Field recording, dishes, synth, bowed guitars. Kasja Noova: Voices. Recorded in Fredrikstad, Norway and Antwerpen, Belgium sep 2012 - May 2011. produce: Cdr single listed as komkol autoprod cat.no.304, July 9, 2011. 01]
Lament produce: Web single listed as komkol autoprod cat.no.301 via bandcamp, 2010
details: Two track mix of installation music from the light/sound installation Red, exhibited at the Fredrikshald fortification in Halden during the summer of 2006. All sounds: Jonas Qvale produce: Web ep listed as komkol autoprod cat.no.246 via bandcamp, 2006
as presented by ... details: "This invaluable and rejected recording of prepared piano and feedback clearly shows the origin of the great tradition that has earned Trondheim such status internationally. It was conceived and performed by Jonas Qvale A196 (prepared piano, microphone/tremolo/speaker setup, Ibanez and Boss digital delay effect pedals, pebbles). This recording contains two public performances of the work held on July 28th, 2001 in a barn in Holmestrand (a village famous for the tunnel leading you around it). Of special note is the bold use of pebbles tossed onto the strings of the piano in the beginning of both versions. A total disregard of conventional recording techniques has resulted in a rooster crowing, an engaged child audience member, footsteps and intermittent outside traffic noise throughout, making this baffling audio document exciting listening material. There is no end to it. Rhizotto. The artist came to maturity in the Buran academic circles around the turn of the millenium, and the two recitals captured here are very much products of their time and of that curious scene. Buran is a part of Trondheim inhabited by very old people and younger students, artists and academics. It is also an area close to the more famous "alternative" Svartla'mon." produce: CDR released as "Jonas Qvale: Prepared Piano & Feedback" by Panot. Web album listed as unesco [underground] uh01, Islas Canarias, 2011 ON ORIGAMI-COMPILATIONS: 'Red
(edit)' on Origami Republika: Free 18 Year Album - cdr/web comp - ORkk250
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