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work 009 : Z of 7
A looped 22 minute rhythmical meditation with a near still video projection and a few assorted elements like soil, incense and candles > free download zip

"A lot of the meditative music is made to open us up to other dimensions, travel in space, space out. Extraterrestrial space is almost 273 degrees cold, very lonely and absolutely silent.

But this is happening HERE, and it happens NOW. This rhythmical composition seeks to take you with it INTO the space in which it is presented. Maybe it can expand your awareness of what you have right in front of and around you. The "acoustic reality".

Drugs or other stimuli that are often connected to spiritual excursions are not recommended. Neither is seeking mystical / mythical /symbolic insights or enlightenment.

This is a neutral work not meant as music. The dynamics and structures are very different from most of my other work. The work is not made to appeal to neither heart nor brain, aiming at the stomach and places just below.

The work can very well be experienced barefoot and with a finger in the soil.

The work is a.o. based on previous experiences around the ambient albums 'Siesta' (Bøe 2000) and 'Sondring' (Origami Arktika 1996) and live performances of their material.

NO previous musical or artistic knowledge needed.
EVERYBODY is welcome."

(in norwegian)

Part A >


Comissioned work for Forum Nidrosiae and TEKS
Galleri Blunk, Trondheim, Norway

May 21 & 22 at 15:00 - 22:00

"The listening experience even starts before you enter the gallery ... I´m positively surprised about the purity of the work ... The audio material is of such quality that it works in repeat mode ... It is important to point out that this is not music ... Boe wants your attentive listening and make you feel the vitality in such a simple thing as a drum loop ... In this context Blunk has never functioned better as a gallery, because Z of 7 achieves to fill the entire space with meaning ... The physical listening experience Boe has instigated works well. It will also grow and develop if one chooses to remain in the experience. Furthermore it continues to beat in your consciousness for several days and leaves a certain abstinence ... Certainly Boe exposes us to successful attention training." - Elin Vister, Art Scene Trondheim

Part A: Limited edition CDR, last few available > free download zip in mp3 with photos and video

Part B >

I am currently looking for new spaces in which to present this work. Intimate gallery spaces or other rooms. The basic drum beat will be kept, but remixed and with additional sounds exclusive to each presentation. Like for Part A, a specific edition of cdrs will be available. This installation is easy to organise (video projector, cd player/pc and sound system), and it can run for hours or days. I do not have to be there in person, but I´ll go on tour again in May 2012, so perhaps I can show up. Contact


Mye av den meditative musikken er laget for å åpne opp for andre dimensjoner, reise i rommet, speise ut. Verdensrommet er nesten 273 grader kaldt, veldig ensomt og absolutt stillhet råder.

Det er derimot HER det skjer, og det skjer NÅ. Denne rytmiske komposisjonen søker nettopp å ta deg med INN i rommet den blir presentert i. Kanskje den kan øke din bevissthet om det du har rett foran og rundt deg, den "akustiske realiteten".

Inntak av droger eller andre stimuli som vanligvis kombineres med spirituelle ekskursjoner frarådes. Det bør heller ikke higes etter mystiske / mytiske / symbolske innsikter.

Dette er et helt nøytralt stykke som ikke er ment som musikk, dvs. at dynamikken og strukturen er helt annerledes enn det jeg ellers ville ha presentert. Stykket er ikke ment å apellere hverken til hjerte eller hjerne, men gjerne til mageregionen og steder like nedenfor. Kan gjerne oppleves barbeint og med fingrene i jorda.

Stykket er bl.a. basert på tidligere erfaringer ved ambient-albumene 'Siesta' (Bøe 2000) og 'Sondring' (Origami Arktika 1996) og konsertene med dette materialet.

Oppleveren trenger INGEN kunnskap om musikk eller kunst.

ALLE er velkomne.

"I går ble de syv Z of 7-skålene gitt til Frelsesarméen (smuglet inn med et par andre kopper og kar), så om en stund kommer noen til å spise ut av dem et sted, none the wiser eller kanskje? Jeg synes det er litt fint." - fra arrangøren, 2013

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