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work 006 : omaonotopetokion

"Here Boe uses any kind of sound source to create detailed reductionist music. The pieces form abstract narratives - sometimes ultra-minimal, sometimes eruptive - freed from preset context, yet with an obvious debt to new music composers."


^ free downloads December 25, 2012.

TWO FOR THE PRICE OF NONE > Fuga Discos in Argentina is releasing the third installment in the series. As a christmas special the 100 first downloaders also get access to an early version of the fourth - and live - installment.
part C > download | part D > download

OMAONOTOpetokion A/B was released on cdr by KomKol Autoprod in a tour souvenir edition of 50, 2009.
It is available as a free mp3 > info/download

Omaonotopetokion: In Boe´s work there are often links between the sound output and the origin of the sounds; their political, symbolic or philosophical context et cetera. Most of his compositions and improvisations refer to various genres, methods, composers or socio-political issues. But Omaonotopetokion is a series of electro-acoustic compositions where the neutrality of sounds and the way they are combined into music is emphasised. This means that any sound source was utilised, regardless if they came from the acoustic laptops, objects, instruments, field recordings or electronic sessions. In live performance blocks of prerecorded sounds was played back more or less at random, and Boe then added live sounds from the acoustic laptops or other sources in a performative way. This created a challenging music balancing between the predetermined and the improvised.

omaonotopetoKION D

Free web album by KomKol Autoprod, special christmas edition, December 2012 > download

omaonotoPETOkion C

Free web album by Fuga Discos, Argentina, December 2012 > download

omaoNOTOpetokion B

Free web album by Tecnonucleo, Spain, July 2009 > download (FLAC)
On the OMAONOTOpetokion A/B souvenir edition > download

OMAOnotopetokion A

Limited edition cdr by L.ike A.n E.verflowing S.tream, Germany, October 2008.
On the OMAONOTOpetokion A/B souvenir edition > download

omaonotopetokion live

onomatopoeic words sound like the sounds they refer to
omaonotopetokion sounds sound like the sounds they refer to

Hörbar, Hamburg, November 2012
ExperiMontag, Madame Claude, Berlin, November 2012
Keroxen '12, El Tanque, Tenerife, November 2012
ephemeral sustainability, Stiftelsen 3.14, Bergen, November 2012
Nødutgangfestivalen, Bodø, October 2012
Klubb Kanin 15 Year Fiesta, Blæst, Trondheim, October 2012
RadiaL x Radio Festival (radio concert), Lisboa, July 2012
numa-circuit, Café 7, La Laguna, April 2012
in famous carousel, Collège Des Bernadins, Paris, November 2011
Royal Academy Of Music, Musikhuset, Århus, November 2011
Can Xalant,
Mataró, May 2010
White Rabbit, Galerie der Künste, Berlin, September 2009
extremtonanstalt, A/Z Conni, Dresden, October 2008
audiounit, Hamburg, October 2008

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