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republika > archive > surf all 1.2.1 the origami republika manifestos > PLARIS
GIATA MANIFESTO or_/ states that the avant-garde tradition in art is now over ninety years old. or_/ don't know what it wants, but it knows how to get it. or_/ states that every need has an ego to feed. or_/ says don't fear if you hear a foreign sound to your ear. or_/ states that most of our idols are beyond nostalgia. or_/ can accept uniforms as long as they are multiform. or_/ can't work with anything less than an obsessive interest in mankind and the search for an expression of hope. or_/ states that if the future isn't bright - at least it's colourful. or_/ states that freedom is based on artistic discipline. or_/ says don't get involved in business - because business is a mutation of society. or_/ is against the cult of the artist because it is bad for art. or_/ states that information is a chaos; knowledge is the spontaneous ordering of that chaos; freedom is the surfing of the wave of that spontaneity. or_/ asserts that beauty will be beautiful or it will not be at all. or_/ draws its inspiration from everything that has preceded it because it believes in the value of tradition. or_/ states that there is hope in honest error - none in the icy perfections of the mere stylists. or_/ encourages origamic activity because origamic activity saves time and effort, improves results and shows initiative on the part of the individual origamist. or_/ encourages plagiarism because plagiarism saves time and effort, improves results and shows initiative on the part of the individual plagiarist. or_/ affirms the need for or_/. (approved by or_/diskordika) |